

Thalapothichil is a special procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. Thalapothichil is also called as Shirolepa (anointment to head/ head pack). Thalapothichil is from Malayalam where Thala refers to head and Pothichil is covering. It is the traditional Ayurveda treatment of Kerala which is very effective in various psychosomatic disorders.

Basically Thalapothichil is cooling treatment where freshly prepared herbal paste is applied on the head and covered with lotus leaves or cloth.

Benefits of  Thalapothichiltreatment are

  1. Insomnia and sleep disorders
  2. Hypertension
  3. Chronic headaches like migraines
  4. Burning sensation of the body
  5. Skin diseases of scalp like dermatitis of scalp, dandruff, hair loss
  6. Premature greying of hair
  7. Certain types of Insanity
  8. Epilepsy
  9. Chronic sinusitis
  10. Anxiety, depression

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